People who dared to go beyond the horizon
Your ancestors may well have been seafarers. Some of us have direct proof of our mariner forebears – in the shape of Apprenticeship certificates, Navigating Officers ‘tickets’, or simply letters of a mariner (perhaps a long-lost relation) from a distant sea-port, whilst serving on a sailing ship.
People who went to sea, in craft of all kinds, beyond their own home horizon were always “a bit brave”. Deep sea mariners, those who took their vessels out into ‘unfathomed’ ocean waters, were a breed apart.
Relatives Names
Were your great grandfathers at sea?
Do any of the following ‘Clan names’, or surnames, relate to your ancestory?
The following list has been compiled from Crewlists & Agreements of ships connected with R&J Craig of Glasgow at the high point of sail, sometime between 1870 to 1907. If a recognised name appears then you may have more relations around the world than you had ever imagined!
In the past there has already been a small stream of confirmed names of ancestors who worked on Craigs’s “COUNTIES” reported.
Who served on R&J Craig’s “COUNTY” ships of Scotland.
Surname: Initial(s) and birth year (if known)
Allen J
Alexander W
Andersen W (b1867)
Armour W (b1849)
Auld WC (b1860)
Bain J
Blair J
Borland C
Buchanan A (b1861)
Craig A (b1841)
Craig R (b1824, Extra Master)
Cumming J (b1828)
Cumming J (b1866)
Drysdale JW
Duncanson CFF
Eddington G
Fetters J
Fordyce William
Gray T
Hood W
Isles JG
Jamieson J
Laen W
Lamont D
Leslie JC (b1863)
Lloyd D
McDonald C (b1862)
McFee J (b1827)
McLean D
McLeod A (b1864)
McKenzie RMM (b1829)
McNicol M
Miller Andrew (b1833)
Murdoch J (b1865)
Parkhouse J
Pattman R (b1851)
Quillan R
Richards JW
Rollins JP
Scott DL
Sinclair J (b1843)
Stewart J (b1839)
Stroak JD (b1846)
Taylor A
Thomson D
Tork J
Tosh D
Wallace J
Walker F
Webster I
Weller J
Wilton J
Young D
Noteable others connected:
Jarvis D (b1820)
Robertson W (b1848)
First Crew of maiden voyage of sv “County of Peebles” (Glasgow to Batavia & Sourabaya), as signed, leaving July 1875.
Surname: Christian name: Role: Home town. AB=Able Bodied seaman; OS=Ordinary Seaman
Miller, Andrew – Master, Perth (Scotland)
Bell, Andrew – Mate, Paisley
Hector, William – 2nd Mate, Greenock
Kelly, George – Bosun, Co Clare (Ireland)
Muir, James – B’sun’sMate, Arbroath
Calder, Sinclair G – Carpenter, Dunnet?
Hodge, James G – Carpenter, Dundee
Price, DG – Steward, Philadelphia (USA)
Smith, James – Cook, Glasgow
Claun, William T – Seaman, Quebec
Nicholson, Angus – AB, Sky
Ferguson, Daniel – OS, Inverness
Amsterfan, Peter – AB, Finsbury
Zellin, William – AB, Germany
Benson, Ben – AB, Dunedin
Evans, John – AB, Solva (Pembrokeshire)
Sharp, Nathan – AB, Kincardine
Henderson, Alex – AB, Argyleshire
Morrison, Arthur – AB, Lerwick
Tulloch, James – AB, Shetland
Richard, John – AB, Frome
Taylor, James – AB, Edinburgh
Brown, Thomas – AB, Dover
Turncay, John – AB, Kircudbright
Percival, Thomas – AB, Pell
Fleming, William – OS, Glasgow
Blackstone, William W – OS, United States
Cameron, Duncan – OS, Skye
Dickons, James – AB, Pell
McMahon, John – Boy, Lochgelly
Ruimgaurd – AB, Germany?
Raistal, Mikhal – AB, Norway
Coffey, Patrick – AB, Cardiff
Quine, John – AB, Isle of Man
Smythe, William – AB, Plymouth
Jones, William – AB, Holyhead
Osberg, William – AB, Swindon
Bourg, Louis – AB, France
Milner, William – OS, Yorkshire
Osborne, William – OS, Lancaster
Simmons, James – AB, Sunderland
Baynes, Alexander – AB, Aberdeen
Ashworth, JH – OS, Liverpool
Hard, RW – Boy, Edinburgh
Baker, CF – OS, London